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Our videos

Air on G String | Liebster Jesu | Sweet Chariot (solo) | Bachiana | When the Saints | Go Down, Moses | Nobody Knows | Sweet Chariot (duet) | Amazing Grace | Good News | Necessarily So | Let It Be | In His Hands

Our audio files

When the Saints | Oh Happy Day | Nobody Knows | Amazing Grace | Sometimes I Feel | In His Hands

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Download our songs now! - Check the mp3 page.

The Sarah Sheppards in London - Concert in St Mary's Church, Stoke Newington -

Concerts in Bologna - Sarah Sheppard Ensemble and Choir

Sunday 15 December 2019 - 6:30pm - Concert of the Sarah Sheppards - Palazzo Isolani - Via Santo Stefano 16 - Bologna

Our CDs are on sale now! - Check the Recordings page.




Amazing Choreographed Gospel Concerts - SARAH SHEPPARD ENSEMBLE - When the Saints... (CD cover photo)


The Sarah Sheppard Ensemble was founded in Bologna in 1995 by Oreste Palamara (Artistic Director) and Sergio Turra (Music Director). It is a musical group made up of singers and instrumentalists. The group performs concerts with a repertoire of baroque music (some pieces also in vocalese), modern classical and spirituals.


The Sarah Sheppard Ensemble is available for concerts with spiritual and Gospel songs or with classical music. The repertoire can vary according to the requests. For further information please email You can also write to the Association's Main Office.


The Sarah Sheppard Ensemble is part of the Sarah Sheppard Spirituals Association and is registered in the Albo delle Libere Forme Associative of Bologna.