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Our videos

Air on G String | Liebster Jesu | Sweet Chariot (solo) | Bachiana | When the Saints | Go Down, Moses | Nobody Knows | Sweet Chariot (duet) | Amazing Grace | Good News | Necessarily So | Let It Be | In His Hands

Our audio files

When the Saints | Oh Happy Day | Nobody Knows | Amazing Grace | Sometimes I Feel | In His Hands

Contact us

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Download our songs now! - Check the mp3 page.

The Sarah Sheppards in London - Concert in St Mary's Church, Stoke Newington -

Concerts in Bologna - Sarah Sheppard Ensemble and Choir

Sunday 15 December 2019 - 6:30pm - Concert of the Sarah Sheppards - Palazzo Isolani - Via Santo Stefano 16 - Bologna

Our CDs are on sale now! - Check the Recordings page.


